Abstracts – rules and guidelines
Instructions for abstract
Abstract structure
Title: 500 character
Text: 1,000 words
Figures: 2
No Supplementary Material
Oral Presentation
12 minutes max., supported by maximum of 8 slides.
Oral submission:
- Research based abstracts: Background, Aim(s)/Objective(s), Methods, Results, Conclusions.
- Education related abstracts: Background, Theory, Pedagogy/Educational approach(es) used, Evaluation, Application to Research and/or Education
- Practice based abstracts: Background, Theoretical underpinning (e.g.Model of Practice, Occupational Evidence base etc.),
- Assessment/Intervention/Technique, Evaluation of outcome, Application to practice
Reviewers may decide on their own to suggest submission for regular (12 min) or short oral presentation (5 min) or as a poster presentation.
A poster provides the opportunity to present findings or lessons supported by up to 2 figures or graphics with a structure following the oral submission formats. The Poster should be presented at the end of each of the assigned sessions. Each presenter has 3 minutes available for presentation. Presentations must be submitted in powerpoint format at the Registration desk 3 hours in advance.
Additional Information: up to 5 references to your oral presentation/poster, 3 keywords and if you are presenting as a student, approval from your supervisor must be specified. The abstract is up to the length of the lectures.
To Remember
Review results are communicated in 3 weeks after your submission, but no later than 10th May 2024.
Only accepted submissions with a completed registration, till the end of May, will be included in the Conference programme.
For any queries, please contact organizer to email registrations@neurocare.si
Note: If you encounter any difficulties using this website on your mobile or tablet then please logout and complete your abstract submission on a PC or laptop instead and send it by mail.
Oral presenter guidelines
- Guidelines for slides
- A maximum of 1 slide per minute of presentation is permitted.
- A maximum of 7 lines per slide and 5 words per line is recommended.
- Avoid using slide animations or transitions.
- Please use your own organisations branded slides. Please ensure that you adhere to the following guidelines:
- Use 16:9 slide size.
- Use standard Windows fonts only.
- Use high-contrast lettering and readable fonts (minimum font size of 24).
- Use high-contrast colours (dark text on a light background or vice versa).
All presentations must be checked and uploaded at the Registration desk in the conference venue. Your presentation must be delivered to the technical staff at least two hours before the start of your session. Presenters are encouraged to bring electronic backup copies. Please note that the organising committee is not responsible for damaged files or unreadable files or formats.
All accepted abstracts of registered participants before May 15th will be published in the congress abstract e-book.