Travel & Accommodation

Nearby airports

Several airports within easy reach of Ljubljana are served by low cost airlines:

Ljubljana, Brnik

22 km

Klagenfurt, Austria

85 km

Trieste, Italy

130 km

Zagreb, Croatia

140 km

Graz, Austria

187 km

Venice, Italy

230 km

Ljubljana Airport (22 km from Ljubljana)

22 airlines on 25 regular routes from Ljubljana Airport in the summer season

Trieste Airport (130 km from Ljubljana)

Venice Airport Marco Polo (230 km from Ljubljana)

Treviso Airport (230 km from Ljubljana)


Cheaper scheduled transfers from and to these airports and Jože Pučnik Airport Ljubljana can be booked through:

Both companies also offer transport from Ljubljana Airport to Ljubljana City Center.

Transfers can be booked via the company’s website. The earlier the booking is made, the cheaper the price usually is.
Passengers are informed about the exact departure time 24 hours before departure.

Accommodation in Ljubljana

Reservations for self-paying participants in Grand Hotel Union and Uhotel. The link is valid until April 8, 2024. We would like to point out the cancellation conditions, which are 7 days before (the 8th day before is free, the 7th day counts as all days).

Grand Hotel Union Eurostars

Welcome to Dialogues on Neurodegenerative Disorders accommodation, Ljubljana, rooms available between 05.06. and 08.06.2024.

Please remember our cancellation policy. General terms and conditions:

Individual Reservations cancellation policy is by 23:59 (local hotel time), seven (7) day prior the arrival, in order to avoid a penalty.

If cancelled or modified up to 7 days before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.

If cancelled or modified later or in case of no-show, cancellation fee for the entire length of stay will be charged.


Eurostars uHotel

Welcome to Dialogues on Neurodegenerative Disorders accommodation, Ljubljana, rooms available between 05.06. and 08.06.2024.

Special rate avilable until 7.05.2024.

Please remember our cancellation policy. General terms and conditions:

Individual Reservations cancellation policy is by 23:59 (local hotel time), seven (7) day prior the arrival, in order to avoid a penalty.

If cancelled or modified up to 7 days before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.

If cancelled or modified later or in case of no-show, cancellation fee for the entire length of stay will be charged.

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